Master Thesis in Physics
Uncertainty is certain - our job is to quantify it.

During spring of 2023, half a year of research was presented in a thesis with the title 'Propagation of Nuclear Data Uncertainties for Reactor Physics Parameters in Fluorine-19-based Molten Salt Reactors'. The supervisor of the project was Zsolt Elter at the Division for Applied Nuclear Physics at Uppsala University. Below you will find some links to material connected to the thesis. A popular science presentation in Swedish can be found below, which is a summary of the work and is suited for everyone - no matter the age or background knowledge.
Popular Science Presentation
Amerikanska staten och fluortandkräm - en kärlekshistoria
Follow the links below to view my popular science presentation, available in Swedish. The video is published to YouTube, and there are no prerequisites for taking in the content. The presentation can provide insight into the field and the project.
DiVA - The Thesis
Propagation of Nuclear Data Uncertainties for Reactor Physics Parameters in Fluorine-19-based Molten Salt Reactors
Follow the links below to get access to the published thesis on DiVA. You will find an abstract in English and in Swedish, as well as the thesis itself.
WONDER 2023 - Conference Presentation
Nuclear Data Uncertainty Quantification for Reactor Physics Parameters in Fluorine-19-based Molten Salt Reactors
The work in the thesis led to the participation in WONDER 2023, an international conference within the field of nuclear physics. A conference proceeding is pending publication, but the presentation can in the meantime be viewed below.